Hello!!! I have gathered here some links that I thought you might like!
If you're on this site, then you probably have some similar
interests to mine, so I've included some fun places! I'll mark which ones are
available on Ucanet, Protoweb, or the Modern web, so that you won't get lost
wondering why some pages don't load!

These are sites that are run by friends of mine, or by
friendly people that I've talked to online! They are all great and pass my vibe
check, so I've included them below as a fun shoutout!
(modern web only)
This is the site of my partner Patchwork! They mostly post some of
their noisework here, as well as write-ups on their projects. It's a fun place
to visit!
Jelly's Page
(modern web only)
This is my other partner Jelly's webpage! They have this REALLY COOL
early 2000s scene vibe, as well as music reviews! Check them out also!
(modern web only)
This site is the artist site for one of my closest loves, Novalynxa/Supernova!
They make some incredible furry work, and I highly recommend checking them out.
They also stream on Twitch periodically, and they are a BLAST!
Cavern of
(modern web only)
This is a Neocities site run by the wonderful Roxy! She was the first
person to follow this site, and she has been lots of fun to talk to! They have
done COOL AS FUCK PUYO PUYO MODS, and have some sick Fursona GIFs :D In general,
their website is an inspiration c: The website does have music, but you can
pause the tunes if you REALLY WANT TO, GOSH. (its good music tho you shouldn't)
Also, check out their stream on Twitch! Last time I watched they played Sonic
Adventure in 86box and watching it BARELY function was so much funnnn XD

I got you some links that might be useful, like some nifty
applications for retro PCs, drivers, and the like!
UCANETUcanet, short for "U Can Net!" is a DNS service that is
focused on making a safe environment for the Retro PC community to enjoy their
older platforms online! I have it set up by default on my own machine, and this
website has a domain here! I highly recommend it!
(home page is modern web only)Protoweb is a project focused on maintaining a kind of time capsule of
the internet at various points in its early life. All of the websites contained
here are preserved to the highest possible degree of accuracy, and while they're
not live sites like with Ucanet, this is still a great place to visit. They also
host several FTP servers full of software ranging from useful to silly!
Retro NetworkThe Retro Network is, as far as I can tell, simply a list of fun and
useful places you can visit that are relevant to the Retro PC hobby! Some of the
links there are listed here, of course, but this is a much more in-depth list.
(modern web only)In my opinion, this is the most important website on the Internet, and
must be protected at all costs. This website hosts many things, from retro
software and setup disk ISOs to hardware schematics to old VHS recordings of 90s
cable. If you need any specific retro software, just doing an online search
followed by "site:archive.org" will get you EXACTLY what you need, 95%
of the time. They're going through hard times right now with legal battles from
people wanting to shut down their free speech preservation project, so if you
can, donate! I have <3

These are sites I think are SUPER COOL like wowie <3
Channel 99
(supposed to work on ucanet/protoweb, but as of right now
seems to not be functioning, but maybe a side effect of ucanet being weird right
now who even knows)Channel 99 is a collection of NSV video streams you can watch on Winamp
or other such media players! Mostly anime and other older shows, but it sure is
fun to watch shows on my Thinkpad!
Winamp Skin Museum
(modern web only)The Winamp Skin Museum is a NEATO site that host an impressively large
collection of vintage Winamp skins, all of which are available to download! The
web design is very unique as well, as each skin is showcased as an interactive
widget that simulates the real app! I spend a lot of time here, and I've
downloaded and use a few skins myself!
Andkon ArcadeThis is a fun site full of old Flash games! You'll need to have Flash
installed, of course, but this is a great place to visit on your modern web for
a dose of that old Internet game feeling!

These sites are mostly old Geocities sites that I stumble upon
during random page searching in Protoweb, but maybe there will be a few
archive.org links in here :D
nothing here yet >w>