Welcome to Loonie's Room! This is my cool room on the internet! I always ALWAYS wanted to make a website when I was a wee kiddo, and now I can have the exact kind I always wanted! DO NOT EXPECT PROFESSIONAL WEB DESIGN OR EVEN ATTITUDE. I say whatever I want, and you gotta deal with it or find another place to hang out! I am gonna post about some Zelda Classic quests that I'm playing, maybe some other games as I play through them. I have a diary, if you really wanna know what makes me tick. I also just made a Links section, where I'll have some cool sites for you to visit on your way out :3 I hope you enjoy your stay! <3 This page was last updated on 10/31/2024. This site was made using Add my badge to your site if you wanna! This page is best viewed in Firefox 2, on
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