The Legend of Zelda: A Link
to the Darkness PolygonX8 was one of my favorite quest creators back in the day. I don't think they were the technical best, but they made a LOT of really simple quests that were challenging but fair. This is definitely one of them. I can't be sure, but if I were to guess, this was their very first quest they've published, if not made altogether. This isn't a bad thing though! It just starts out in the top left corner, which is the default starting screen, and in the next 4-5 screens are ALL of the basic screens you would see in a Zelda Classic tutorial. You have your Wooden Sword, your Sword Upgrade for later, your candle shop, and even the first dungeon! Once you get past this beginning though, the creative risks start to show. The first dungeon is a very basic affair, just a very linear gauntlet of enemies to get through, shaped like the letter I. If you did not take the time to explore the overworld, though, it can be a real challenge. The enemies are made up of Red and Blue Goriyas, as well as Keese and Zols but those are not a threat. The very last room that you have to overcome is just a small room with 6-7 Blue Goriyas, and anyone unprepared or unequipped will definitely die here. The boss is just 2 Aquamentuses (Aquamenti?), which are easily dispatched by the bombs you surely have by now. The rest of the game follows this trend. If you haven't found the secret treasure stashes before entering the dungeons, you're about to be rocked much harder than Zelda 1 did, but if you did manage to get your extra gear, then you'll just have a moderate challenge. This was the first quest in a series of quests that PolygonX8 made, and it honestly isn't horrible to replay through now! If you got a couple hours to spare, you could do worse than give this a go! |