Hello all <3 It's been about a month since I've done an update on my diary, but it's only because I've been doing SO MUCH Around the end of September, I went on a vacation to a cozy cabin along the coast up in the redwood forests, and it was sooooo comfortable. I went out there stressed out of my mind from the world and my job and everything, but just being up in such beautiful nature really reset my mood, and ever since I've been busy doing so much! For example, I recently acquired an Ambernic RG35XXSP. That sounds inconsequential, except for the fact that I recently discovered that RetroArch has a ZC 2.10 core! It's crazy that ZQuest Classic has an emulator. This little device, which basically is a GBA SP with more buttons, is now basically my ZC machine! Due to this, I finished another ZC Quest! Hero of Dreams, which I played LONG long ago! I was speaking to Roxy about it the other day over on Cavern of Remembrance, and it made me want to check it out again, and I'm glad I did! Check out the details over in the ZC Reviews section! I've also been getting into RetroAchievements a tonnn. I mastered all of Zelda 1 just yesterday, and I'm plugging away at Zelda 2 now. On my old profile, I had the first 3 Zeldas done, but sadly that site does not allow users to change their name, and I didn't wanna use my old name anymore... Finally, I'm working on correcting the Girl Ninten hack. It has an Anti-Piracy crash towards the end of the game, when the player reaches the Live House in Ellay. I'm not sure why this is, and even trying to disable the Anti-Piracy screen altogether does not prevent this crash. I did notice in my earlier hacking that the Anti-Piracy screen is also a crash handler, so literally any crash would show that screen, so it's possible that somehow the script for the Live House is causing a crash. I plan on investigating this next weekend. That's enough diary entry for now! I will try not to go so long without an update, but this girl has been SO ACTIVE with her hobbies lately, it's been hard to take breaks! Keep being wonderful people, and I'll see you next time! |