The last few weeks have been incredibly stressful, as you might imagine. All I can do is keep going, and keep helping out my loved ones and those who I can help. I have to keep in mind that I am safe and loved where I am, as much as I can be without outright leaving the country (which, unfortunately, is out of reach for me). When we got the election news, we were very scared. My instinct was to sell everything I own just about, and prepare to flee, but as I tallied up everything that I owned, I got more and more depressed. Here I am, living my life in the way that makes me most happy, surrounded by people and things I love, and my plan was to throw all of that away again and start new. I don't have that kind of resolve anymore, it seems. So I'll continue to live my dream, despite the threat this new reality holds. With any luck, I'll come out of all of this unscathed and we can continue to grow towards the future. ----- My projects have been basically halted as my brain resets from the massive stress spike. I'll need to get back into the swing of things, and once I do, I'll have more to update here! I've been playing a lot of Zelda Classic, specifically the Hidden Duality, which is another great one c: I started Swansong as well, which is alright, but something about it seems a little off... Anyway, thank you all as always for visiting <3 Be kind to all those around you, and inspire kindness in others. This is the path to making the world a better place. |